About Us

Namaste. My Name is Laxman karki. I am From India.Welcome to Bbnnews24.com, a leading platform curated by Laxman Karki, dedicated to providing you with timely and reliable news. Founded with a passion for providing insightful information, our journey in the field of journalism is driven by a commitment to accuracy and transparency.

Our goal at Bbnnews 24.com is to keep our readers informed and involved in the world around them by providing a wide range of news stories covering a variety of themes. Our platform is shaped by Laxman Karki’s vision, which influences our commitment to provide news that matters.

Bbnnews 24.com is committed to becoming your go-to source for news, providing a combination of professionalism and in-depth knowledge of the always shifting media scene. This mission remains unwavering as we continue to grow. Come along on this journalistic journey where truth meets integrity and find out why Bbnnews 24.com is a trustworthy source for news and information.

Under the direction of Laxman Karki, Bbnnews 24.com stands as a tribute to journalistic excellence in the fast-paced world of news. Our unshakable dedication to accuracy and integrity is reflected in our commitment to offering you a dependable and varied selection of news stories. Our platform is propelled by Laxman Karki’s vision, which guarantees that we not only present news but also create compelling stories for our audience.Bbnnews24.com invites you to journey with us as we navigate the ever-changing media world. Let’s research the stories that shaped our planet with sweetness to make your information-seeking journey fun and enlightening. You can count on Bbnnews24.com to be your trusted source for information and connections.

Email : karkilaxman489@gmail.com, P.O : Omp 2Nd Bn jharsuguda Odisha India, Postal code 768204, District, Jharsuguda, State, Odisha.India